
Global AI Safety Fellowship
We connect exceptional technical talent globally with placement and mentorship opportunities at the world's leading AI safety organisations.

Past Programs
In 2024, we ran a Summer Research Fellowship and an online AI Safety Careers Course. We also ran the EU Tech Policy Fellowship with the Talos Network.

The program was great to get connected with like-minded people and potential collaborators. The Impact Academy team gave great advice and was very supportive in helping to incubate the organization, during and after the program.
Jonathan Happel is the founder of TamperSec, a compute governance startup incubated by Impact Academy. Prior to that, he was co-director of the AI Standards Lab and worked as a mechanical engineer. He participated in Future Academy 2023-24.

Impact Academy gave me the foundational skills and tools necessary to bootstrap my career transition from software engineering into research. All the mentors and fellows I interacted with were extremely kind and fun to be around. I'd recommend the program for folks transitioning to a new impactful career.
Mariana Meireles is an

AISCC has been incredibly important to me. The program gave me enough breadth of knowledge to understand the ins and outs of what people are doing for AI Safety. My mentor was very knowledgeable and understanding, and facilitated nuanced discussion. There is a very real chance now that my future career will be spent on AI Safety Research.
Phan Anh Duong is a Computer Science undergraduate at the University of Cincinnati. He participated in the AI Safety Careers Course 2024.

My experience with AISCC has been transformative. As a recent Data Science graduate from Meru University, this course helped me expand my skills, grow professionally, and build a strong network. The hands-on learning and expert insights have been invaluable for my career development.
Kenphilip Odhiambo has a Bachelor's in Data Science from the Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST), Kenya. He participated in the AI Safety Careers Course 2024.

I could focus on spending uninterrupted hours on research, which shaped my vision of the research direction I wanted to pursue in AI safety. I also benefited from exposure to the wider AIS community and interacting with some of the leading researchers in the field at the London Initiative for Safe AI.
Gayatri K is an undergraduate researcher pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering from the RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru. She participated in the Summer Research Fellowship 2024.

The Summer Research Fellowship was a great opportunity to conduct meaningful research in AI Safety under the direct supervision of a mentor. The Impact Academy team was highly supportive and did a great job at every step of the process - from mentor-pairing to ensuring that all fellows had a great environment to work in.
Sneheel Sarangi is a graduate of Computer Science from NYU Abu Dhabi. He participated in the Summer Research Fellowship 2024 and has been working full-time on the research project with his mentor.